※ Banana Ice Cream

This ice cream recipe is almost too good to be believed - so rich, creamy and luscious, you'd never know it's fat-free, dairy-free, and with no added sugar or preservatives, is even good for you!

It only takes 4 ingredient to make this dreamy dessert.


  • 2 Bananas 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
  • Juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

I find bananas that have turned brown work best for this. You may already peel and freeze your bananas for smoothies or breads or dipping in chocolate. Now you can use them to make this luscious ice cream in no time at all.

Peel at least two bananas, preferably ripe, but the older they are the sweeter the end product. Break them into smaller pieces, maybe two or three each, and freeze. 

Once frozen, cut into thin slices and put into blender or food processor.

Add vanilla and lemon & blend until smooth.


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