※ Peach Jam



  • 11/2 kg peaches 750 gms sugar
  • Peel of one lemon
  • Juice of two lemons

To test for setting using methylated spirits: Place 1 teaspoon of the jam in a glass and add 3 tsp methylated spirits and stir gently with a teaspoon. If it forms a fairly solid clot the jam is high in pectin and will set. If several small clots form without combining it will not set and requires more cooking to reduce or pectin added. Longer cooking will darken the jam and lose flavour esthers. Throw out testing liquid!


Cut peaches into chunks, leaving skins on and taking out the stone. Use really ripe fruit for the flavour, but also some less ripe ones as these have a higher level of pectin. Don’t keep the peaches in the fridge, as this also will reduce the pectin levels.

Put the cut Peaches into a pot, no added water and simmer at a very low heat, adding lemon peel to add the tart taste and also to increase the levels of pectin.

Tie some of the stones in to a clean chux and add the bundle to the peaches continuing to simmer and stir every now and then to prevent burning the bottom of the saucepan.
As the fruit seems cooked take the bag of stones out and stir in the sugar, adding lemon juice to check the flavour.

Cook until the jam begins to thicken and test for setting either by taking a spoonful and put onto a white saucer to see if it sets in the fridge. Or follow the previous method.

Use sterilized jars, fill them to the top and then invert them so that the hot jam sits on the lid and so all sides of the jar are ‘sterilized’ by the hot jam.

Once you have opened the jar, refrigerate the jam until the pot is finished.


  1. Elli, your peach jam is delicious! I'm very fortunate that I got to try the one and only "Elle's Kitchen - Peach Jam" :)

    1. Thanks Claire, I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)


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