※ Strawberry Heaven Dessert

Another really easy shot glass dessert recipe that does not take much effort. INGREDIENTS (t o make 12) 6 large strawberries cut in 1/2 or 12 small that will fit in your glass size Vanilla custard (recipe below) Few drops of pink food dye Raspberry Essence or strawberry. (got mine from The Essential Ingredient in Prahran) 1 packet of strawberry jelly crystals Strawberry Flavoured Chocolate Buttons (12 pieces also from Essential Ingredient) METHOD Make jelly as per packet instructions and pour into shot glasses till they are 3/4 full. Place strawberries into jelly and refrigerate. Meanwhile make custard as per below (or use store bought) add a few drops of essence and colouring stir and set aside. Once jelly is set gently spoon on custard then refrigerate again . Just before serving garnish with Strawberry flavoured chocolate buttons or garnish of your choice. CUSTARD RECIPE INGREDIENTS 1 cup milk 1 cup thickened...